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Goodlettsville Smiles Blog

Tips From a Dentist To Make Fewer Trips To the Store During COVID-19

March 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 11:36 pm
Man flossing in the mirror using tips from a dentist

Since the COVID-19 crisis began and stay-at-home orders were put in place, people have been trying to minimize their trips to the store as much as possible. One way to do that is to conserve everyday commodities, including your oral hygiene products! But if you’ve ever seen a toothpaste commercial, you know that they cover the entire toothbrush. The question is: Would a dentist in Goodlettsville actually recommend using that much, or could you get away with less? And what about floss, mouthwash and even replacing your toothbrush? Keep reading to learn how to use these products wisely to maintain a healthy smile while cutting down on your trips to the store. 


What’s the Difference Between a Family Dentist and a General Dentist?

February 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 6:27 pm
family of four smiling in forest

If you’re a parent, odds are you’re incredibly busy. Between driving your kids to soccer practice, school, and their friends’ houses, you hardly have any time for yourself. One way to help you save a little bit of time is by seeing a family dentist in Goodlettsville. While you might think that a general dentist is the same thing as a family practice, there are a few differences between the two. Let’s talk about these differences and why you should choose a family dentist.


4 Reasons To Improve Your Smile In 2020 and How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Help

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 11:45 am
Woman with brown hair having a consultation with a cosmetic dentist

Modern life is busier than ever, and it’s easy to put the needs of your family or job before your own. But when you invest in feeling good about yourself, that one positive change has a “ripple effect” that enhances every area of your life. And if you’ve always wanted to improve the appearance of your teeth, 2020 is a great time to do it. Regardless of the type of flaws you’re trying to correct, a cosmetic dentist can help! Keep reading to learn about 4 great reasons to make yourself a priority in the new year and how enhancing your smile has the power to change your life. 


If I Choose Porcelain Veneers to Fix My Smile, How Many Will I Need?

January 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 3:23 am
attractive young woman smiling nice teeth

You shouldn’t have to hide your smile in shame because of any gaps, misalignment, stains or slight crowding. With porcelain veneers in Goodlettsville, you can upgrade your appearance in a relatively swift manner. While you may have heard of the procedure, you may not be familiar with how it works and how many of the fixtures you’ll need to remake your smile. As you continue reading, you’ll discover the answers from a local expert.


5 Unfavorable Ways Your Smile Can Change as the Years Go by

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 3:08 am
older woman smiling nice teeth

When you were a child, the prospect of getting older was so exciting. After all, it meant you would be able to do all the things you were too young to participate in. It’s funny how the perspective shifts once you mature. Now, you have to contend with the changes that come along with aging, one of which is the alterations that can occur in your smile. As you continue reading, your cosmetic dentist in Goodlettsville lists 5 of the undesirable changes that can happen.


Why You Should Schedule Your Appointments for the New Year Now

December 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 8:15 pm
woman smiling in dental chair

When was the last time you visited your family dentist in Goodlettsville for a regular checkup? If you’re like two-thirds of Americans, it has probably been more than a year. You’re really missing out on all kinds of services that come at little or no cost to you if you have dental insurance. Speaking of insurance, did you know that your annual maximum resets in January? That’s a perfectly good reason to go ahead and schedule your next appointment for 2020 now. Keep reading to learn more.


Do You Have Black Triangles Between Your Teeth? Fix These Gaps With Cosmetic Dentistry

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 1:25 pm
two people smiling and drinking coffee

When you look closely at your front teeth in the mirror, do you notice small gaps that look like black triangles? These appear due to spaces between your teeth where your gum tissue doesn’t completely fill the area. The triangular gaps can make you feel self-conscious about smiling and laughing because they make your smile seem incomplete. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Goodlettsville offers a few treatment solutions to restore your oral health and close these gaps.


Is Your Smile Holiday-Ready? Consider Cosmetics for a Boost!

November 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 10:30 pm
A group of people celebrating.

Having a smile you’re proud to show off can make a big difference for your self-esteem. If you have had stains, cracks, chips or other imperfections in your smile for a long time, you may have even avoided smiling or taking pictures with friends and families just because of your teeth! This holiday season, now is your chance to make a positive and long-lasting change. With a cosmetic dentist in Goodlettsville, you don’t have to settle for an imperfect smile. Here are just a few ways you can achieve the look you’ve always wanted just in time for the holidays!


How to Maximize Your Dental Benefits Before the Year Ends!

October 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 8:27 pm
young woman smiling at dentist

Although millions of Americans have dental insurance, many of them aren’t getting the most out of it. One reason is they simply don’t take advantage of their coverage. Your dentist in Goodlettsville says you have an opportunity to maximize yours, and as you read ahead, you’ll learn how. Therefore, the monthly investment you make to maintain your dental insurance won’t go to waste, and you can experience the absolute best in oral health!


How to Avoid a Dental Emergency This Halloween

October 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 2:34 pm
Halloween candy

The spookiest month of the year is finally here! However, your mind isn’t the only part of your body that should be scared this Halloween season. This time of year is also pretty frightening for your teeth and gums, especially if you develop a dental emergency. To prevent an extra appointment with your emergency dentist in Goodlettsville, let’s look at some common Halloween candies you should avoid, or at least limit.

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