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How to Avoid a Dental Emergency This Halloween

October 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 2:34 pm
Halloween candy

The spookiest month of the year is finally here! However, your mind isn’t the only part of your body that should be scared this Halloween season. This time of year is also pretty frightening for your teeth and gums, especially if you develop a dental emergency. To prevent an extra appointment with your emergency dentist in Goodlettsville, let’s look at some common Halloween candies you should avoid, or at least limit.


4 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Turn Back the Clock on Your Smile

September 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 1:06 pm
older lady smiling

Have you ever thought that your smile is aging you? Are your teeth too yellow, stubby, or chipped for you to feel as beautiful as you deserve to? Sounds like you could benefit from visiting your cosmetic dentist in Goodlettsville. Continue reading to learn about 4 ways that cosmetic dentistry can help turn back time on your smile and make you feel young again.


5 Ways That Vaping Can Impact Your Smile

August 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 8:49 pm

Everyone knows the dangers and risks of smoking traditional cigarettes. Endless studies have proved that this habit stains teeth and increases the likelihood of periodontal diseases and even oral cancer. But what about vaping? Advertised and touted to be much safer than smoking cigarettes, vaping is becoming more and more popular and common among people of ages, including teenagers. Although researcher are still trying to fully understand the impact of vaping, there are some strong indications already that it can harm your oral health. In this blog post from your family dentist in Goodlettsville, you’ll learn five ways that this habit can affect your smile.


4 Tips To Avoid A Visit With Your Emergency Dentist in Goodlettsville This Summer

June 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 3:58 pm
family at pool

Summer vacation is meant to be worry-free and packed full of fun. That can all go out the window when one of your little ones knocks out a tooth, and everyone panics because they don’t know what to do. While dental dilemmas aren’t completely avoidable, there are steps you can take to reduce your family’s risk of experiencing one. Avoid a trip to your emergency dentist in Goodlettsville by implementing these 4 summertime tips.


Make Your Dentist in Goodlettsville Part of Your Spring Cleaning Plans

April 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 5:31 pm
woman smiling at the camera

Spring cleaning is an annual ritual for millions of Americans. While you’re dusting those corners and cleaning out those closets, why not take some time for a trip to your dentist in Goodlettsville? Not only will it help to safeguard your teeth from cavities, it’s essential for catching serious health problems in their early stages.


6 Tips to Find a Family Dentist in Goodlettsville

March 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — goodlettsville @ 6:18 am

young boy in dental chairHealthy, beautiful smiles are at the top of your priority list when raising your family. You encourage the best oral hygiene habits at home to keep their teeth and gums healthy, but is that enough? They also need the care of a great family dentist in Goodlettsville to maintain their oral health. Unfortunately, this can be challenging because everyone has different dental needs. How can they get the care they need? With the right dentist by your family’s side, you can ensure their smiles last for a lifetime. There are a few tips to keep in mind to choose the best one for your family.


Want Great Oral Health Tips? A Dentist In Goodlettsville Has a New Blog!

February 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 10:59 pm
Woman getting a dental exam

Welcome to our new blog! We’re excited about this platform for sharing valuable oral health information with everyone in the community. For this first blog, you’ll learn about the services we provide, our philosophy of care, and what you can expect from your visits with a dentist in Goodlettsville. We’ll also have a new blog each month about various topics such as what certain dental procedures entail and how everyone in the family can achieve a healthier smile, so be sure to check back in periodically!


Hello world!

January 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:16 pm

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